Carbon, a new programming language from Google, aims to be C++ successor

Existing modern languages already provide an excellent developer experience: Go, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, and many more. Developers that can use one of these existing languages should. Unfortunately, the designs of these languages present significant barriers to adoption and migration from C++. These barriers range from changes in the idiomatic design of software to performance overhead.

Carbon, a new programming language from Google, aims to be a successor to C++.

Carbon is fundamentally a successor language approach, rather than an attempt to incrementally evolve C++. It is designed around interoperability with C++ as well as large-scale adoption and migration for existing C++ codebases and developers.

Google came out with Go a decade back and has been an excellent project with a very clean implementation. It took someone like me a few days to write basic code to a couple months to write an CLI based application.

Carbon is Open-source and will be independent and community project. I haven't worked on C++ for about ~15 years now, but excited what Carbon can bring to C++. Will be giving this a try for sure.

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Jamie Larson