iPad Pro gets a trackpad

iPad Pro was announced this week with a load of Hardware goodness.
But what got the most attention was that iPad Pro now has a trackpad. Well, the Magic keyboard did (not the iPad) and the iPad OS was updated to support the trackpad.

You can always get the regular Magic Keyboard too.

Steve Sinofsky on the iPad Pro getting a trackpad:

2/ Hardware evolves just like software but we don’t often see it the same way. We’re used to talking about the cycle software bundling and unbundling, but hardware does the same thing. Every new generation of hardware begins this cycle anew.

Users change, they way the interact and interface with a piece of hardware also changes over time. What apple is doing great here is that they are keeping the medium intact for users who want it to work the way it should as well as introducing changes for new users and their behaviors.

And why is a trackpad so important to some users - give a listen to this episode on The Talk Show with John Gruber and Federico Viticci.

And after all of that, just head to apple.com and watch the video and look at the beautiful piece of hardware(s).

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Jamie Larson