Weekend Bites
This different way of cooking Salmon just blew my mind away. Simple and yet so tasty.
Weekend Bites
Comfort food. Simple, fast and tasty.
Weekend Bites
This South India Egg Masala style is one of the simplest and easiest egg recipe.
Weekend Bites
Similar to the fiery chicken with tequila and lime, this experiments with replacing tequila with rum. And you cannot go wrong with a combination of spices, honey and rum.
Weekend Bites
One of my favorite things about this dish is you can get a great meal for 2 without messing up your kitchen. All you need is a baking dish - a cast-iron skillet is perfect.
Designing for mobile is different and not just with regards to the shape and size. Because mobile devices are lighter and more portable (in some cases), we find it more convenient to use them. And because we use them so often, we feel a unique, emotional connection to them.
New York is one of the best places for photography, but to capture the skyline of New York, especially Manhattan; one must go across the Hudson River.
Every single Kramer entrance!
Yesterday (Today) I had a short conversation with SBS (Australia) Radio's host Mosiqi Acharya on how to click amazing photos on your smartphone! Spoiler Alert: The interview was recorded in Hindi. Head over to read the conversation in English.
It does capture details; however, chances are when I see someone else’s wires, I may not like a solution. How do you support your solution?
The most prominent result from the new eyetracking studies is not actually new. We simply confirmed for the umpteenth time that banner blindness is real. Users almost never look at anything that looks like an advertisement, whether or not it's actually an ad.