Documenting UX
It does capture details; however, chances are when I see someone else’s wires, I may not like a solution. How do you support your solution?
It does capture details; however, chances are when I see someone else’s wires, I may not like a solution. How do you support your solution?
The most prominent result from the new eyetracking studies is not actually new. We simply confirmed for the umpteenth time that banner blindness is real. Users almost never look at anything that looks like an advertisement, whether or not it's actually an ad.
By now I’m immune to the ads that show up on the website and thanks to Readability, I don’t have to look at them constantly. When these ads started, they were irrelevant, some non-sensical ad would just show up randomly on the webpage. However the business model worked.
So to solve that issue, what I did was come up with a story line - one liners (and explanation when I had to explain a concept) with bit sized graphics.
Acompli released an Outlook like app last year and Microsoft did not waste much of a time in snapping up this company. The result, Microsoft official Outlook for iOS app and in quick time. Microsoft launched Office for iOS and Android sometime last year. The lack of Outlook as an
Following up on my article I wrote some time back, "Wireframing is NOT Prototyping" - a common question that got asked was, well if its not prototyping, what is it and what level of fidelity one should expect? I have read books and blogs and a lot of
The last few years the wireframes have looked more and more different and detailed. Images, actual look and feel, every single mouse movement or tap or gesture and what happens next, etc. That definitely throws cheaper and faster out of the window.