Happy Sweet 16 Kajol!
Happy Sweet 16 Kajol!
Happy Sweet 16 Kajol!
The slush track comes down to a stand still, with no wind you can see the reflection in the water. The adrenalin is running high and with a crack of the whip the the silence and stillness brakes into chaos. Kadari Kambala or also calls the slush Olympics in Mangalore,
Down south, in a small village near Hasan in Karnataka, IN the celebration is a tad different. Here the farmers along with their bulls jump over burning fire to ensure the evil spirits stay away from their fields and help get a good crop yield.
One needs to be here early morning before sunrise to capture the view; but I had to settle for the sunset. This view ain’t too bad. The History of Sleepy Hollow Farm | How a Humble Vermont Homestead Became an Instagram Icon Good read!
I continue shooting macro with flowers and with a proper macro lense that I picked up. The more I look at it; I prefer black & white considering the fact that these are extremely colorful. What is your preference?
I continued to dabble with macro photography. Still understanding how to use the lens, where to focus and how much and the importance of background. I wanted to isolate the subject in this case so I went with a completely black background. A few more pictures to look at -
With the pandemic in full swing, there isn't much to do sitting at home apart from trying your hand at new recepies, wokring or reading a book. Shot this with my 24-105mm and a 31mm extension tube. Holding the camera and manual focusing ain’t easy. Somehow managed
Chicago, on Lake Michigan in Illinois, is among the largest cities in the U.S. Famed for its bold architecture, the city is also renowned for its museums, and I would totally avoid the aquarium.