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The global advertising spend is poised to reach a $1 trillion this year, presenting a massive opportunity for the advertising industry. Netflix made a significant splash
Thoughts on building, strategy about products
The global advertising spend is poised to reach a $1 trillion this year, presenting a massive opportunity for the advertising industry. Netflix made a significant splash
Netflix has sticky and growing subscribers.
HTTP/2’s primary performance advantage lies in its multiplexing feature, where multiple streams are handled simultaneously over a single TCP connection. Inefficient multiplexing can lead to inefficiencies. It's important to use the right tools and strategy for HTTP/2 applications.
Monitoring solutions typically involve the collection of logs, traces, and metrics that assist organizations in comprehending the behavior of their applications. These tools process vast quantities of data to provide valuable insights. Traditionally, monitoring was conducted in silos, necessitating separate tools for monitoring various aspects, such as applications, networks, security,
The last couple of week saw all of the AI related gains drop at a steep rate. It’s earnings season and looks like Wall St. does not like it when billions of $ of investment do not give you the return they expected to see. META, Google and Microsoft earnings
In case you missed it, the video is available to watch again: rabbit r1 - pickup party nyc live stream nowtune in and join the partypickup party nyc live stream now I ordered one back in January. I haven’t gotten a shipping notice yet. However, there is a lot
We all have ideas that we would like to build and see them flourish. But thats the things about ideas, they aren't always good. The little owl helps you keep track of your good ideas.
In today's context, Humane's AI pin is probably the first device where I see personal computing heading towards.
Ideas are cheap. They come up all the time and end up in the backlog. Remember, really important ideas almost always come back.
I have been away for a few weeks, traveling and attending conferences. While the conferences have been giving me an insight into the amazing things organizations are building (very heavily focused on AI/ML), I have been reading some fascinating articles during my down time. How to start a Go
Cade Metz for The New York Times: ‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intelligence,
It took me ~10 seconds to open the Apple's high-yield savings account today after answering ONE question and accepting the terms. It took me less than a second to set up my Apple Credit Cards cash back to go to my savings account. After playing around for about