They have the best views

New York is one of the best places for photography, but to capture the skyline of New York, especially Manhattan; one must go across the Hudson River.

They have the best views

New York is one of the best places for photography, but to capture the skyline of New York, especially Manhattan; one must go across the Hudson River.

The stretch form New Port to Exchange Place in Jersey City you have breath taking views of Downtown Manhattan. Do not be in a hurry to get there and click pictures; but take your time and reach there just about 20 minutes before sunset and you won't be disappointed.

Just before the golden hour

The sun setting just behind you casts a beautiful golden hue on the entire city. If you are lucky, go on an overcast day and if the rain clouds are clearing.

The city that never sleeps; turns on those tungsten and energy efficient LED's once the sun goes down. Transitioning form the Golden hour to the Blue hour is also a surreal experience.

Jersey City views aren't that bad either

One of the best times to visit on an overcast day during sunset. If lucky, you can be greeted with an absolutely gorgeous view of the city.  I managed to click this wiht my iPhone.